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Here you will see the very latest additions to our SKU range.

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Fresh Drop Toilet Deoderant FD40

Despite our best efforts, it’s virtually impossible to use tact and sensitivity when attempting to describe the benefits this superb product offers, but here goes….
‘Fresh Drop’ is nature’s way of combating those nasty niffs which are so often the cause of much embarrassment after a visit to ‘the smallest room’. Made from natural plant extracts, just one drop – strategically placed – instantly neutralizes what could otherwise be considered an unsavoury odour. Best used prior to ‘the event’ for maximum effect, each 20 ml bottle contains enough liquid for 300 – 400 Vinda’loos’.
Thanks to ‘Fresh Drop’ we can now do what nature intended without fearing the consequences. Each pack of Fresh Drop contains 2 x 20ml bottles.

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